New Collection – July 2019

Photo by: Jewel Gabriel (20115051)


Reading can seriously damage your ignorance. I couldn’t find who originally said this but, whoever they were, they nailed it! As someone who has always loved to read it’s not something I’ve done consciously to alter my level of ignorance, but that is in fact what happens when you enter the world of a book. You learn – new words, histories, realities, opinions, facts. You see through another’s eyes, you get to understand how other people think.

Research in 2013 by psychologists David Comer Kidd and Emanuele Castano found people who read literary fiction performed better in tests which measured their ability to understand other peoples feelings and beliefs, compared to those who read non-fiction and popular fiction. So ’empathy’ was enhanced by reading books which presented the thoughts and feelings in depth of their character/s. This is a complex skill and certainly one that adds value to living in society. Fortunately we have a fabulous selection of books in the library that will make you laugh, weep, fume, cry, roar and feel. Books that will help you navigate the tricky world or relationsips with other humans. Also in a study by Yale University discover that Those who read for more than 3.5 hours a week lived two years longer than non-readers. The study tracked the participants for 12 years. Reading books increased lifespan regardless of gender, wealth, and education.

So come to UC Library and damage your ignorance!!

Here’s some new book collection from UC Library. 🙂

Arsitektur Interior (INA)
903Kamus Istilah Arkeologi-Cagar BudayaPermana, R. Cecep EKaWedatama Widya Sastra
Desain Komunikasi Visual (VCD)
770Literasi Visual : manfaat dan muslihat fotografiWijaya, TaufanPT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Entrepreneurship (ENT)
338.04Pendidikan Wiraswasta : sekuncup ide operasionalSoemanto, WastyPT Bumi Aksara
International and Hospitality Tourism Business (HTB)
780.95982Serat Kandha KarawitanPalgunadi, Bram, 1952-ITB
International Business Management (IBM)
650.1Reinventing You : define your brand, imagine your futureClark, DorieHarvard Business Review Press
ISchool of Entrepreneurship and Humanities (FEH)
100Pengantar Filsafat : sistematika dan sejarah filsafat, logika dan filsafat ilmu (epistemologi), metafisika dan filsafat manusia, aksiologiWiramihardja, Sutardjo A.Refika Aditama
Kedokteran (MED)
610.3Kamus Saku Kedokteran DorlandDorland, W. A. Newman (William Alexander Newman), 1864-1956Churchill Livingston/Elsevier, Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd
611.00222Atlas of Human AnatomyNetter, Frank H. (Frank Henry)Elsevier Saunders
612Fisiologi Manusia : dari sel ke sistemSherwood, Lauralee; Mandera, Lydia I.; Hartanto, HuriawatiPenerbit Buku Kedokteran – EGC
615.788Panduan Praktis Penggunaan Klinis Obat Psikotropik : psychotropic medicationMaslim, RusdiBagian Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa FK-Unika Atmajaya
616.00289Pedoman Teknik Dasar untuk Laboratorium KesehatanChairlan; Lestari, Estu; World Health Organization (WHO)Penerbit Buku Kedokteran – EGC
616.15Kapita Selekta HematologyHoffbrand, A. Victor; Moss, Paul A. H.; Hartanto, Huriawati; Lestari, Wulan AdindaPenerbit Buku Kedokteran – EGC
616.500222GoodHeart Diagnosis Fotografik & Penatalaksanaan Penyakit KulitGoodheart, Herbert P.; Pendit, Brahm U.Penerbit Buku Kedokteran – EGC
616.804754Diagnosis Topik Neurologi DUUS : anatomi, fisiologi, tandaBaehr, Mathias; Frotscher, M. (Michael), 1947-; Dimanti, Alifa; Setiadi, AsterPenerbit Buku Kedokteran – EGC
616.89Buku Ajar PsikiatriElvira, Sylvia D.; Hadisukanto, GitayantiBadan Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI)
616.890012Buku Saku Diagnosis Gangguan Jiwa, Rujukan Ringkas dari PPDGJ-III dan DSM-5Maslim, RusdiBagian Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa FK-Unika Atmajaya
Library (LIB)
016.378San Jose University 1995-1997 CatalogSan Jose State UniversitySan Jose State University
016.378University of California, Berkeley General Catalog 1999-2001University of California, BerkeleyUniversity Of California Press
303.3The End of Power : from boardrooms to battlefields and churches to states, why being in charge isn’t what it used to beNaim, MoisesBasic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group
305.6Menemani Minoritas : paradigma Islam tentang keberpihakan dan pembelaan kepada yang lemahBurhani, Ahmad Najib, 1976-PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
641.3383Sejarah Rempah : dari erotisme sampai imperialismeTurner, Jack; Absari, JuliaKomunitas Bambu
658.11Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kristiani : buku panduanBussau, David; Mask, Russell; Ngadiman, HandokoInstitute for Community and Development studies ICDS)
Magister Manajemen Kewirausahaan (MEM)
658.02Great People To Great Business : the power of intangible assets: transformasi WIKA menjadi bintang AsiaAdrianto, Fadjar; Ali, Hamzah; Nugroho, SonyGagas Bisnis
Marketing Communication (MCM)
791.430233Film Directing Shot by Shot : visualizing from concept to screenKatz, Steven D. (Steven Douglas), 1950-Michael Wiese Productions
Research and Publication (LPP)
300.72The Coding Manual for Qualitative ResearchersSaldana, JohnnySage Publications
Teaching and Learning Center (TLC)
370.1Struktur Fundamental Pedagogik : membedah pemikiran Paulo FreireKesuma, Dharma; Ibrahim, TeguhRefika Aditama
370.9598Landasan Kependidikan : teori dan praktekSutirna; Samsudin, AsepRefika Aditama
371.102Teaching -Level1- : everything I wanted to know when I started out as a teacherTeniente, Sergio Traviesos.l.
Teknologi Pangan (FTO)
664.024Fermented Foods in Health and Disease PreventionFrias, Juana; Martinez-Villaluenga, CristinaAcademic Press, an imprint of Elsevier


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